On Thursday March 8, 2018 Technion Alumni, supporters and guests had a wonderful opportunity to hear presentations from two Technion Alumni. Prof. Boaz Golany, Technion VP External Affairs and Resource Development and Dr. Andrew Goldenberg, Founder and CTO of Engineering Services Inc. (ESI) and currently also the CTO of the of the publicly listed Super Robotics Ltd. of Hong Kong and of Anzer Intelligent Engineering of Shenzhen, China.
Prof. Golany highlighted Technion’s successes and current focuses. He briefly described two areas of Technion’s research focus – The Technion Integrated Cancer Center (TICC) and The Center for Quantum Science Matter and Engineering. He added that entrepreneurship and commercialization are at the core of Technion innovation and that Technion is involved in many areas of collaboration, most recently and the most significant – the Joan & Irwin Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute and the Guangdong-Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
Dr. Goldenberg began by stating how important it is that he and his wife Aviva, also a Technion graduate, give back to Technion as it was at the Technion that they received tools for a career. A successful career that now allows them to have made a very substantial contribution to Technion. He then shared his career path that went from working for SPAR Aerospace Ltd., to becoming a Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, to the founding his own company Engineering Services Inc. to now being the CTO of Super Robotics Ltd. of Hong Kong as a result of the sale of his company to a Chinese consortium in Shenzhen China. He showed a digital presentation that highlighted the development of new robotics technology for a range of industrial sectors that have the potential to change our world.