Discover the Benefits of Giving Wisely

Did you know there are creative ways to support Technion Canada? Ways in which Technion Canada, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time?

Such giving techniques are called “planned gifts”, because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and Technion Canada.

Ways of Giving

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You may purchase a new policy designating Technion Canada as owner and beneficiary or transfer an existing policy.

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A bequest in your will is a simple and thoughtful way to leave a legacy. A donation receipt is issued for the gift, which may be claimed in the year of death or the preceding tax year.

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You may designate Technion Canada as the beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF or TFSA in your will, or you can sign a beneficiary designation form naming Technion Canada as the beneficiary.

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Leave a capital donation of assets or real estate and receive an immediate tax receipt for the present value of the assets.

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A charitable gift annuity can benefit both you and Technion Canada. Depending on your age, a charitable annuity allows you to save tax, enjoy a guaranteed predetermined income for life and give a gift today. This type of gift may be especially appealing if you are over the age of 65.

Click here to view the Legacy Gifting Options Chart

Donor Stories - Leaving A Legacy

Sid & Shirl’s Spark Continues to Glow

Sidney Cohen z”l, co-founder of Plan Electrical in Toronto, got involved with the Technion close to 50 years ago. At the time, his electrical engineering group was engaged with the Canadian Technion Society (now Technion Canada) and inspired him to get involved. His wife, Shirley, also volunteered on behalf of the Technion. In the 1980s, Shirl’s job was to visit local high schools to encourage students to sign up for the Science Fair the Canadian Technion Society sponsored at the Ontario Science Centre, for which the winner received a trip to the Haifa campus.

In 1983 Sid & Shirl created a scholarship after her father, Carl Tennen, passed away. Sid rose up in the ranks to become Toronto Chapter President in 1985 and 1986. The scholarship was later renamed the Carl and Esther Tennen z”l Memorial Scholarship and supported dozens of Technion students. Sid passed away in 2016. In his memory, Shirl decided to establish the Cohen Family Second Chance Scholarship to create an opportunity to help talented young people realize their dream of a career in science, technology or engineering through an education at Technion.

The Cohens made the Technion a part of their lives, and also made arrangements to make the Technion part of their legacy. With the commemoration of the Technion’s Centennial this year, we are so grateful that the Cohens’ generosity will continue into the university’s second century.

Shirl, now 95, is still going strong. She is an accomplished artist whose works have been commissioned all over the world. Thank you, Shirl, for your loyalty and generosity over the years. We are so grateful that you had the foresight to include Technion Canada as a beneficiary in your will, enabling future students to conduct transformative research in their chosen fields.

In honour of the Technion’s first 100 years, it is our hope to confirm 100 planned gifts. If you believe in the pioneering work and transformative potential of the Technion, and want to talk about leaving a bequest or making Technion Canada the beneficiary of a (new or current) life insurance policy, please contact Allie Seitelbach at 416.789.4545 x204 or

Jack & Phyllisz"l

Jack and Phyllis Chisvinz”l were devoted volunteers who were passionate about bettering the community and the Jewish value of tzedakah. Jack was an electrical engineer and the first designated Consulting Engineer in Ontario. Jack and Phyllis were regular donors to Technion Canada, and Jack served in leadership roles including National President, National Chair, and National Vice-President. He was awarded an Honorary Fellowship from Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and appointed as a Lifetime Member of the Board of Governors.

“Jack was a respected and thoughtful leader,” said Gary Goldberg, Past President, Technion Canada. “Those who were fortunate enough to know and have worked with Jack were enlightened and inspired by his sage advice and guidance.”

In honour of Jack and Phyllis’ long-time commitment to Technion Canada, the family created a philanthropic fund with the Jewish Foundation of Greater Toronto to provide an ongoing annual gift to Technion Canada. There is no doubt that Jack and Phyllis would be proud to see their lessons of tzedakah and their love of Israel endure, as their philanthropy continues to make an impact for future generations.

Mark Bernsteinz"l

Mark Bernsteinz”l and his wife Zitaz”l were long-time supporters of Technion Canada. A proud graduate of engineering chemistry at Queen’s University, Mark bought the family business, Phillips Paint Products, from his father and uncle in 1968.

Mark felt a close bond with the Jewish community both in Winnipeg and in Israel. He supported the Rady JCC in Winnipeg, Magen David Adom in Israel and served on the Board of Technion Canada. He was proud to see Israel lead in scientific endeavours of all kinds.

Through Mark’s bequest to Technion Canada, his executors established an endowment providing bursaries for the Archimedes program at the Technion. This program enables 50 outstanding 10th grade pupils to enroll in courses at the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry each year. These talented youth acquire the guidance, tools and knowledge to reach their academic potential.

“Dad found his career in chemistry very intellectually satisfying,” said his daughter, Sandra Bernstein. “He would have been delighted to know that his gift was enabling young people of limited means but similar aspirations the opportunity to follow their dream.”

If you would like to leave a lasting legacy in support of the Technion,
please fill the attached form by clicking on this Legacy Form