Rosh Hashanah Cards Are Available Now!

Send a Rosh Hashanah card to your friends & family.
Order now to ensure your cards reach their destination in time for the holiday!

Tribute Gifts are a meaningful way to honour family and friends while supporting Technion Canada. You can choose to designate your gift to a specific program area or to support the area of greatest need at the University.

Give in Memory

With a tribute gift In Memory of someone special, you can honour the passing of a loved one or a friend by making a heartfelt contribution. We will send a printed card acknowledging your thoughtful gift to the bereaved family or another designated recipient.

Give in Honour

Celebrate an occasion, such as a birthday, anniversary, bar or bat mitzvah, birth, engagement, Pesach or just to say thank you with a tribute gift in honour of someone special. We will send a printed card with your special message to the person(s) being honoured.

E-cards or Hard Copy Cards ($18/each) or 10 or More Cards ($10/each).
A charitable tax receipt will be issued for a minimum donation of $10.

If you would like to order standard tribute cards please follow this link

If you would like to order Rosh Hashanah cards please follow this link